Tuesday 8 August 2017

Theorist: Dyer

Stars and Stardom:

The idea of considering the relationship between the music industry and it's audience, and how this affects the role of the artist

'Star' - Semi-mythological set of meanings constructed around music performers to sell their products to a large loyal audience

The typical things found in someone to help with their stardom is:
    • Some common values of music stardom
    • Youthfulness
    • Rebellion
    • Sexual Magnetism
    • An anti-authoritarian attitude
    • Originality
    • Creativity
    • Talent
    • A disregard for social values
      • Drugs
      • Sex
      • Polite behaviour
    • Conspicuous consumption of:
      • Sex
      • Drugs
      • Material goods
    • Success against the odds
    'Star' - Is the persons image, not the real person. It someone that can be constructed it someone that people will want to listen to.

    The type of image the star should have needs to include:

    • Paradox 1 - The star must be simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary for the consumer
    • Paradox 2 - The star must be simultaneously present and absent for the consumer

    By having these two features, it means that it keeps the audience interested in the artist, as they are not able to predict what they are going to be doing next. As well as this, it also means that the audience is positioned against the mainstream, which is the idea that the artist needs to stand out and be different to attract their audience and to keep their attention.


    What I learnt: 

    • The first thing I learnt from this theory is the idea that when dealing with artists, they have to have specific criteria's to be able to work in the industry. This automatically allows them to get rid of the types of people that are missing at least one of the stardom features. This helps with the creation of my music video as the artist that is performing needs to look realistic, by having the qualities of a someone who is meant to be a star. 
    • Another thing that I learnt from Dyer's theory is between the relationship of the music industry and it's audience. From the relationship, I can take the idea that the artist has a big role of being able to allow the audience to connect with the music industry. Learning from this, I will be able to consider this information when creating my music video. The thing that I will be considering is the idea that if the artists personality is shown through, the audience is able to connect with who they are. This is beneficial to my music video as it makes the audience more interested in what is happening in the video. 

      Monday 7 August 2017

      Theorist: Goodwin

      Goodwin's ideas are:
      • Each genre has it's own style
        • Boy/Girl Band: Dance
        • Metal Video: Performance 
        • Pop Music: Love Story 
        • This is also known as ICONOGRAPHY
        • Iconography means a collection of illustrations or portraits 
      • The visuals are used to: 
        • Illustrate the lyrics
        • Amplify the music 
        • Contradict the song 
        • Their is a relationship between the visuals and lyrics and visuals and music 
      • Close Ups should always be included 
      • A common theme in a music video is the idea of a screen within a screen
        • This usually allows the artist to promote another website 
      • People often also use a music video as a way of making references to other things
        • For Example:
        • Films
        • TV Programmes
        • Other Music Videos
      What I learnt:
      • The first thing that I learnt from this theory is the idea that depending on the genre their is specific criteria that people are expecting to see. From this it shows that if I was to use a specific genre I would have to try and incorporate a specific element into the video to ensure it fits what my target audience is going to be expecting. 
      • Another thing that I learnt from this theory is the idea that in order to create a good music video, it needs to  have the lyrics and visuals match one another. This is something that I am going to consider when creating my music video as it means that the narrative of the video can be understood in a more direct way, with the lyrics matching the video.   
      • I also learnt from this theory the idea that a music videos purpose is to promote the artists websites. This means that when making the magazine advert I am going to try and include information that is going to help get the artist across to the audience, and enable them to look more into them.

      Sunday 6 August 2017

      Theorist: Negus

      What I learnt:

      • The first thing that I have learnt from Negus's theory is that their is two different approaches used when working with artists. From this I learnt that by having two different approaches with an artist can change the impact they have on the audience, and the audience that they reach
      • Another thing that I learnt from Negus's theory is the idea that this helps shape the artist into someone people want to listen to. This helps when creating my music video because it means that the audience may enjoy the idea of people acting in the video that I create, and it will keep them interested to see how they grow throughout the video
      • During the research of Negus, I was also able to learn that creativity can be done in any way, which means that all ideas can be used in some way within a music video, as the crazy and more out their the ideas are the more likely that people are going to enjoy the music video that has been created.

      Construction: Taking Images

      Today, I went out to take photos for the digipak and magazine. The reason that I decided to do this today was because I was already looki...