When doing the photography preliminary, I was unable to use any editing on the images, which meant to show the idea of togetherness, it had to be done through the capturing of the images. The way I tried to show togetherness is through the use of people. The people in the image are holding hands to show that they are united with one another. Furthering on from this, the camera set up also made a big difference to the way that the image was taken. The camera had been made to make the image look a lot whiter. The way that this was done on the camera was by changing the white balance, and exposure of the camera. By doing this it made a brighter, whiter image. This helped with portraying the idea of togetherness as the white in the image shows how being together makes people's life a lot brighter.
The second photo was also taken to represent the idea of togetherness. The way that togetherness is being represented through this image is again the use of people. In this image I went a different way slightly with the colouring as it is seen to be a darker pictures. The reason I changed the brightness and exposure to something darker is because I wanted to test and see what the outcome of this would. By doing this it worked well as it shows a clearer, more outlined image which allowed togetherness to be shown as the people in the picture stand out more
The second photo that I took for aloneness includes the same girl, in a different location of which is in the corner of the room. The reason for placing the girl in the corner of the room is to show the idea that it is just her in the photo, and no one can possibly be in the background. When taking this picture I took it from a high angle to make the picture look as if the person in it is hoping for people to come and as if she does not want to be alone anymore. Adding on to this, another thing that I did to this image to allow it to represent aloneness is the idea of using portrait mode on the image. This camera technique was effective in the previous image, as it made the image look more isolated and makes it look like they have been put in a bubble on their own. The use of this effect allows the person in the image to stand out more, and allows the people viewing the image to look more at what the individual is doing rather than having the background draw their attention.
What I learnt:
- The first thing that I was able to learn from doing the photography preliminary was the idea that the capturing of the image can make a big impact on how something is shown to other people. This also links to the idea that I learnt that you don't have to do a lot of editing to the image at the end, it can all be seen through a few changes in the settings.
- Another thing that I was able to learn from this task was the idea of the different camera settings. When doing this task I was unable to use any editing on the pictures, it had to all be done through the camera. This allowed me to learn how the settings worked on the camera, as I was use to the default settings rather than experimenting with the brightness and exposure. Furthering on this, the learning of new skills will be beneficial later on, as I will be needing to use the camera to create my music video, and to take pictures for the magazine advert and digipak.
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