Friday, 23 June 2017

Preliminary: Editing

The editing took place on 23rd June, where it took one session of three hours and forty-five minutes for us to manage to get the entire video and sound added together, with a video in the corner of a comparison to the original.

When editing the video, the entire group was present for each moment, which meant that we were all able to voice our opinions on what was happening. When doing the editing I was able to see a lot clearer when a part was either out of place or not.

The first thing we did when editing the video was add all the clips in a similar order, with the necessary parts that had been filmed. A lot of cutting down on each clip was needed because when it came to the filming we would start it a little early, to ensure that it could give the people in the shot a little bit of time to listen to the lyrics and be ready for the exact part that they were meant to be singing. This part of the editing to the longest as it was a case of having to get the clip at the perfect time, with not cutting too much of the video and not leaving parts that were not needed.

The next stage of the editing was the adding of the music. When the music had been added, it caused a few of the shots with singing to be out of line due to other parts being too long and pushing the timings of a little bit. Once the music had been added, this was when the clips needed to be exact as the timings for the singing moments needed to be perfect. This meant that precision and accuracy needed to be at another level, as lip-syncing can make the level of the video decrease dramatically.

Once the video and song were in time with one another, it left two smaller tasks to be done. The final things that needed to be done was the adding of the original video in the corner and to upload the video on to YouTube, so that the video could be embedded onto everyone's blog. One problem that occurred with this was the downloading of the original video, as all the usual sites to do this were unfortunately blocked. This meant as a group we had to be resilient and check every possible site, until we were able to find one that would work.

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